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Syrian Hamster 'Summer' Seed Mix

Syrian Hamster 'Summer' Seed Mix

Regular price $9.70 SGD
Regular price Sale price $9.70 SGD
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This Summer seed mix is the ideal gourmet mix for all golden hamsters and teddy hamsters who do not like much of herbs, leaves or flowers. Instead, it is replaced with more vegetables.

Composition: 80% seeds , 18% vegetables and 2% herbs, leaves and blossoms.

Feeding recommendations: 1 to 2 tablespoons daily

Ingredients: Buckwheat, paddy rice, green peas, chickpeas, wheat, beetroot, rye, mung beans, barley, parsnip, oats, lentils, safflower, yellow corn, rosehip seeds, radish seeds, diced pumpkin, tomato, corn flakes, courgettes, pumpkin seeds, spelt, sunflower seeds, unripe spelled , Rolled Oats, Spinach Seeds, and more...

Please supplement your hamster's diet with some protein such as dried insects, tofu, etc.


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